ARCs Discord

To discuss ARC drafts, use the corresponding issue in the issue tracker

To check ARCs supported by wallets: Algorand Wallet Compatiblity Matrix

To check ARCs supported by NFT Projects: ARCs NFT Matrix

To check current standards (including ARCs) being discussed: Tech Radar


0 ARC Purpose and Guidelines Ben Guidarelli, Stéphane Barroso
33 Becoming an xGov Stéphane Barroso, Adriana Belotti, Massimo Morini, Michel Treccani, John Woods, Shai Halevi
34 xGov Proposal Process Stéphane Barroso, Adriana Belotti, Michel Treccani
48 Targeted DeFi Rewards Stéphane BARROSO
49 NFT Rewards Stéphane BARROSO
72 Algorand Smart Contract NFT Specification William G Hatch
200 Algorand Smart Contract Token Specification Nicholas Shellabarger


1 Algorand Wallet Transaction Signing API Fabrice Benhamouda
2 Algorand Transaction Note Field Conventions Fabrice Benhamouda
3 Conventions Fungible/Non-Fungible Tokens Fabrice Benhamouda
4 Application Binary Interface (ABI) Jannotti, Jason Paulos
5 Wallet Transaction Signing API (Functional) DanBurton
6 Algorand Wallet Address Discovery API DanBurton
7 Algorand Wallet Post Transactions API DanBurton
8 Algorand Wallet Sign and Post API DanBurton
9 Algorand Wallet Algodv2 and Indexer API DanBurton
10 Algorand Wallet Reach Minimum Requirements DanBurton
11 Algorand Wallet Reach Browser Spec DanBurton
15 Encrypted Short Messages Stéphane Barroso, Paweł Pierścionek
16 Convention for declaring traits of an NFT's Keegan Thompson
18 Royalty Enforcement Specification Cosimo Bassi, Ben Guidarelli, Steve Ferrigno, Adriano Di Luzio, Jason Weathersby
19 Templating of NFT ASA URLs for mutability Patrick Bennett / TxnLab Inc.
20 Smart ASA Cosimo Bassi, Adriano Di Luzio, John Jannotti
21 Round based datafeed oracles on Algorand ori-shem-tov
22 Add `read-only` annotation to ABI methods ori-shem-tov
23 Sharing Application Information Stéphane Barroso, Fabrice Benhamouda
25 Algorand WalletConnect v1 API JasonPaulos
26 URI scheme Fabrice Benhamouda, Ben Guidarelli
28 Algorand Event Log Spec Dan Burton
32 Application Specification Benjamin Guidarelli
35 Algorand Offline Wallet Backup Protocol Yigit Guler
36 Convention for declaring filters of an NFT Stéphane Barroso
42 Integration of xGov Process Stéphane Barroso
47 Logic Signature Templates Joe Polny
54 ASA Burning App Joe Polny, Brian Whippo
55 On-Chain storage/transfer for Multisig Steve Ferrigno
69 ASA Parameters Conventions, Digital Media Chris Antaki, AlgoKittens, TommyAlex79
73 Algorand Interface Detection Spec William G Hatch
74 NFT Indexer API William G Hatch
76 Password Account Ludovit Scholtz

Last Call

NumberReview endsTitleAuthor
59 2024-07-21 ASA Inbox Router Kadir Can Çetin, Yigit Guler, Joe Polny, Kevin Wellenzohn, Brian Whippo


12 Claimable ASA from vault application Brian Whippo, Joe Polny

ARC status terms